Ramune Petuchovaite, EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) Manager, will contribute to the panel discussion at the virtual side event Creating a Global Knowledge Commons for Mission 4.7, hosted by the IFLA, UNESCO, and SDSN.
The side event will formally launch a position paper on the importance of partnerships with libraries to create Open Science, Data, Education Resources for use in Education and Training for Sustainable Development.
The sharing of openly licensed digital education content is critical for achieving the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and will contribute digital cooperation under the Global Digital Compact, the United Nations’ agenda to harness technology benefits for the future of humanity. Watch EIFL-PLIP webinar ‘Libraries and the United Nations Global Digital Compact’ (held on July 23, 2023).