EIFL in Tanzania

EIFL has been working in Tanzania since 2009. We supported the development of the Consortium of Tanzania Universities and Research Libraries (COTUL), and through this partnership, libraries in Tanzania are providing access to a wide range of scholarly e-resources. EIFL agreements with publishers also allow authors in Tanzania to publish in open access in hybrid or fully open access journals at waived or discounted Article Processing Charges (APCs).

EIFL has supported national and institutional open access awareness raising and advocacy workshops that have resulted in the launch of open access publishing platforms, the creation of a number of open access repositories and the adoption of open access policies.

EIFL's engagement with public libraries in Tanzania has led to the development of innovative pilot projects that are helping libraries to meet the information needs of their communities.

Library Consortium Information

Consortium of Tanzania Universities and Research Libraries (COTUL)
Type of members:

University libraries, college and polytechnic libraries, research libraries and special libraries.

EIFL-Licensed resources:

View the complete list of e-resourcestechnology products and Article Processing Charges that have been negotiated for members of COTUL. See the full list of all the journals that EIFL has negotiated terms for open access publishing for researchers in Tanzania. For more information please contact the Licensing Coordinator in Tanzania.


University World News reports on EIFL open access projects in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe
Infodocket shares news of EIFL's new open access project in Africa.
Five EIFL-PLIP grantees feature in this issue of Soul Beat Africa, which focuses on the role of public libraries in development.



EIFL started working in Tanzania in 2009.


EIFL works with 47 institutions in Tanzania through the library consortium.


Tanzania was one of six countries included in a unique study into perceptions of public libraries in Africa, commissioned by EIFL in 2011.



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