Iryna Kuchma works at the local and global levels to make open access, open data and open science the new normal in research and scholarly communications. She is an internationally recognized expert, and serves on the boards and committees of several leading organizations. With over 20 years' experience, she has a deep knowledge of open access in Africa, Asia and Europe.
Languages: English, French, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
More about the EIFL Open Access Programme

Ramune Petuchovaite’s extensive on the ground experience of public libraries in developing and transition economy countries means she is keenly aware of the struggles of public librarians working with limited resources, and the daily challenges they face in serving their communities. Her expertise is in enabling public librarians in these contexts to collaborate with communities to provide innovative and sustainable internet-based knowledge and information services that are relevant to local needs - services that can help people improve their health, find jobs and increase their incomes, improve crop yields, pass exams and much more.
Languages: English, Lithuanian, Russian
More about the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme

Teresa Hackett has over 25 years’ experience as a leader engaged in public interest copyright reforms in the library sector at national and international levels. She has grown a network of knowledgeable copyright libraries in over 35 developing and transition economy countries, many of whom have achieved success in improving national laws. At the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Teresa has participated in negotiations for global copyright rules that promote access to knowledge for all, and has contributed to over 26 nations joining the landmark WIPO Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities.
Languages: English, German, Irish
More about the EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme

Ugne Lipeikaite’s expertise in developing impact evaluation methodologies and tools for measuring the outcomes of public library services has grown over a period of 15 years. Ugne has contributed to the design and implementation of major international research projects to measure the impact of public internet access in libraries and the role of libraries in providing connectivity and digital skills in communities. Ugne has developed training courses and trained public and community librarians in several countries in Africa on how to assess the needs of communities and the impact of library services.
Languages: Lithuanian, English, Spanish
More about EIFL’s public library capacity building initiatives in Africa